Why your Pluto sign is more important than your Sun sign in astrology

In Evolutionary Astrology, where Pluto is placed in our birth chart is our starting point for our analysis of our entire chart.
Why? What does Pluto represent?
If we agree that we are living in a universe that is always evolving, then it makes sense that we are part of that evolution. From the viewpoint of Evolutionary Astrology, our souls come from Source. Source can be thought of as whatever fits into your own unique belief system, from the Christian God to the energy of the Universe. Source is what is evolving, through many aspects, including us, as our soul self.
The soul, and its evolutionary intentions, are represented by Pluto in our birth charts.
The soul evolves through its many layered experiences of resistance and contrast. The ultimate resistance comes from wanting to be separated from Source to know ourselves and simultaneously wanting to return back to Source. This is the first and also the last ultimate desire. Over our lifetimes we experience a multitude of other desires, each of which creates resistance, and therefore a chance for growth and evolution. Each of these can be encapsulated in large themes that each of our lifetimes represent. When ultimately we have one desire remaining, and that is the return to wholeness and Source, this evolutionary experience comes to a close and it is the end of our experiences on Earth.
You will find that your Pluto placement answers many of the questions about why you are the way you are and why you feel the way you do in this lifetime. You may not believe in nor recognise the ways in which your Pluto represents your past lives, but you will certainly see and experience these large themes played out in your current life. You don’t just recognise your Pluto placement, you live it, and it is the starting point for understanding every other aspect in your chart, including your Sun sign.
Personally, I have no knowledge of my past lives, though I’m curious to one day have regression therapy to find out. At this stage in my own personal journey it is more than enough to understand my own Pluto and to finally have an answer as to why certain issues and concerns have plagued me my whole life, and yet for others are of absolutely no concern whatsoever! It has given me so much comfort and validation to know that my particular set of obstacles and struggles are exactly as they should be. Even more amazing to me is the realisation that I’m completely in alignment with the evolutionary mission of my soul, and that everything has been set up (which I believe is a soul choice before entering this lifetime) perfectly in this lifetime for me to feel the resistance. It is then my choice whether I propel myself forward to the new and to what my soul wants to grow towards, or whether I stay in my evolutionary comfort zone.
For me, Evolutionary Astrology is an amazing and profound resource to know yourself and to tune into yourself. When life seems hazy, complicated and a huge tangle of events, looking at it through the filter of your birth chart and the Evolutionary Astrology paradigm puts everything into complete focus. Over a lifetime, it is an essential tool to have in your pocket to bring you back to what you are learning and where you are going. It is a way to pull all the threads of your experience together.
This is an excerpt from my upcoming series of books which will explore each Pluto generation currently alive on our planet. Sign up here to be the first to know when they’re published.